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Berquist Family Dentistry Blog

September 19, 2019

Is Flossing Your Teeth Really That Important?

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_berquist @ 2:02 pm

person using a floss pickIf you skip flossing your teeth at night, you’re not the only person. According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, about one-third of Americans never floss their teeth. Why do most people put off this part of their oral hygiene routine that’s deemed a vital component for good oral health by the American Dental Association? Maybe it’s because they’re not quite sure just how important it is. When done correctly, flossing can benefit your mouth immensely and keep your pearly whites looking and feeling healthy. Read on to learn about the importance of flossing your teeth every day and the best technique to do so. (more…)

April 10, 2019

Why You May Need a Bone Graft for Dental Implants in Crown Point

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_berquist @ 3:45 pm

older man smiling holding appleIf you’re missing any number of teeth, then life can quickly become tough. That’s because the surrounding teeth can eventually begin to shift and cause bite problems and the chance of infection. Another problem is the lost confidence that naturally occurs when you have missing teeth. With dental implants in Crown Point, you have a way to regain the lost functionality and improve your smile aesthetics. For the process to be successful, though, requires you to have enough healthy bone mass. If you’re lacking in this area, here is how a bone graft can help.


February 20, 2019

4 Advantages of a Dental Implant in Crown Point

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_berquist @ 5:30 pm

Dental implantDo you feel uncomfortable laughing, smiling, or even talking around others because of a missing tooth? You are likely not alone: according to the American College of Prosthodontists, an estimated 120 million Americans are missing at least one tooth. Fortunately, there is a range of modern dentistry options today that can restore your smile and your confidence, including bridges, partial and full dentures, and dental implants. But which option is right for you? Below are 4 major reasons why a dental implant in Crown Point is the ideal tooth replacement solution.


December 15, 2018

Combat Bacteria Below the Gumline Says Dentist in Crown Point

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_berquist @ 6:26 pm

woman with bacteria under gumline

Even if you are a germaphobe who bleaches every surface in your home daily and frequently applies antibacterial hand cleaner while exploring the sights at Navy Pier with thousands of your closest friends, you can’t avoid this truth: You carry some of the worst bacteria with you everywhere you go!

With more than 600 different types of bacteria that make their home on your teeth, gums and throat, your mouth is the dirtiest place in the human body. And the worst offenders are those that hide below the gumline where you can’t see it. Here’s what your dentist in Crown Point advises you to do about it. (more…)

December 2, 2018

Five Signs You May Need to See a Dentist in Crown Point

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_berquist @ 11:32 pm


Woman in pain holding compress to faceMost people think that their dentist in Crown Point spends most of his or her time filling cavities and pulling teeth. In reality, dentists treat hundreds of oral health conditions, ranging from minor issues to potentially life-threatening diseases. Knowing the most common symptoms for these problems is important for getting the right care when you need it.


October 1, 2018

How Your Dentist in Crown Point Can Save You Money

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_berquist @ 7:27 pm

Woman smiling in dentist's chair.Are you looking for a way to save money at the dentist’s office? Surprisingly enough, the best way to do so is to actually visit your dentist! Yes, you read that correctly, spending a little money by going to regular dental checkups and cleanings will end up saving you money in the long run. Keep reading to learn how routine visits to your dentist in Crown Point can help keep your pocketbook filled.


September 11, 2018

Why is My Dentist in Crown Point Checking My Blood Pressure?

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_berquist @ 3:47 am

digital image of heartWhen you visit your dentist in Crown Point, you expect to have your teeth cleaned and a dental exam performed. You may not be prepared to have your blood pressure checked during your routine visit. Although it may seem a bit out of place, there are very important reasons why the dental team takes this step. Do not be alarmed. They are doing it with your safety in mind.

September 2, 2018

Your Dentist in La Porte Says Get the Most Out of Your Toothbrush

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_berquist @ 9:55 pm

woman applying toothpaste to toothbrush

One of the best ways to protect your oral health is by brushing your teeth at least two times a day. This simple practice helps to remove the harmful bacteria and leftover food particles that can lead to infection. To get the most out of your toothbrush, though, there are some simple tips to keep in mind and practice. Read on as your dentist in La Porte explains how to make every toothbrushing session count!


August 9, 2018

Your La Porte Dentist Gives 5 Facts About the Amazing Tongue

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_berquist @ 1:28 pm

woman smiling tongue hanging outAlthough it may seem that oral health is all about the teeth, there is a lot more involved. One of the key factors to maintaining a healthy environment in your mouth is the condition of your tongue. As you read on, your La Porte dentist explains 5 facts about this part of your anatomy, its importance in preventing oral maladies and ways you can clean it.


July 7, 2018

Dentist in Whiting: Why an Electric Toothbrush May Be Right for You

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_berquist @ 10:33 pm

A man comparing an electric and manual toothbrush. When you walk through the oral care aisle, do you ever notice the electric toothbrushes and wonder “Is this better at cleaning my mouth?” If so, you are not alone. Many patients ask your dentist in Whiting if it’s worth it to switch to the higher-end solution for practicing good oral care, or whether it makes little difference to spend the extra cash.

According to him, proper oral care comes down to technique. Here’s what you can expect from both solutions.


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