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April 12, 2018

Missing Teeth? Get Your Confidence Back With Dental Implants in Whiting!

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_berquist @ 9:21 pm

Model of a denture attached to implantsDid you know that the first dentures were created in Japan in the 1500’s and were made out of wood? Thankfully, a lot of improvements were made on this “early model” of dentures throughout the 1800’s and 1900’s!

In fact, one of the biggest advances has happened even more recently: using dental implants in Whiting to give dentures greater stability, comfort and function. If you’d like to know more about the advantages of this type of denture and how it can restore not only your smile, but your confidence as well, keep reading to learn more!

How Do Implant Retained Dentures Work?

Implant-retained dentures are typically used with just four implants per arch. Here are the basic steps involved:

  • Implant placement – The first step is a small, in-office surgery to place the implants in the jaw, which are actually small posts made of titanium. You’ll be completely numbed beforehand and it’s much easier than most people anticipate.
  • Integration – Your dentist will allow 3-6 months for the implants to integrate, or fuse, with your existing jawbone.
  • Denture – Finally, the new denture will be made and attached to the implants. Any necessary adjustments will be made so that it fits perfectly and feels great.

How Is This Option Better Than Traditional Dentures?

  • First, the implants will trick your body into thinking that there are still roots in the jaw, which means you won’t lose any bone mass. The result is that your denture will fit much better, for much longer, than it would otherwise.
  • Also, your ability to chew will be dramatically improved. You won’t need to be as careful with your diet and can eat a wider variety of foods than before.
  • You won’t have any embarrassing slips in the middle of a conversation the way you can with regular dentures, because the implants act as anchors to prevent this from happening.
  • You’ll save money over the long term because you won’t need to replace your dentures as frequently!

Are You a Good Candidate?

One of the main factors your dentist will look at is if you have enough bone mass in your jaws to support the implants.

However, if you’ve been told before that your bone levels weren’t adequate, it’s worth it to look into it again. The type of implants used for dentures are placed at an angle and don’t require as much bone mass as regular implants.

Second, you may not be an ideal candidate if you smoke. Smokers have a lower success rate because it affects your ability to heal, so the integration between the implants and the jaw can be affected.

As always, the best way to know if you’re a good candidate is to have a consultation with a dentist in Whiting. They’ll be able to look at your unique situation and answer any questions you may have.

Remember, even with all the advantages of implant-retained dentures, the best side effect is the increased confidence you’ll have!

About the Author

Dr. Daniel Jordan Berquist and Dr. Robert Jordan Berquist have seen firsthand the positive impact that implant-retained dentures can have on the confidence and overall quality of life of their patients. They’re firm believers that it’s one of the best investments you can make in your oral health. If you have any questions, they can be reached via their website or at (219) 226-0544.

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