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May 12, 2017

What Causes Bad Breath? Your Dentist In Whiting Explains

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_berquist @ 1:58 pm

How does bad breath happen? To prevent this embarrassing and unpleasant condition, follow these tips from your dentist in Whiting. What comes to mind when you think of bad breath? Is it your coworker who drinks endless amounts of coffee at the desk right next you, only to head out for a cigarette every couple of hours? Do you picture wreaths of garlic and Dracula? Or maybe your mind goes to Benny Hill’s character The Halitosis Kid? Regardless of what this team makes you envision, bad breath is a common and embarrassing condition. In this post, the team at Berquist Family Dentistry, your premier dentist in Whiting explains what causes bad breath and how you can prevent it from happening.


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